
This two day class is the perfect balance between mastering the basics, and learning to overcome obstacles with technique and ease. We’ll help you build confidence as a new rider, while pushing and enhancing the skills of seasoned riders.

This is a women’s only class with the wonderful Shal Wilson showing the way. She’s one of the most well trained & thorough female trainers we know! This class will be educational, challenging, and fun. Join us!

Tour Dates
Dates Location/Trainer(s) Price

With balance being the core of just about everything, we start there then progress through peg weighting, body position, proper lifting, mastering the clutch, brake & throttle control, Enduro steering, and so much more. Looking to practice something specific? Let us know and we’ll do our best to walk you through the drills to get you there.

Day One

We’ll meet at Grit MotoRanch at 8am sharp for introductions and an overview of each day's focus. Instructors will be available for a walkthrough of bikes and answering any basic set up questions. The morning session will jump into techniques & drills, we'll break for lunch, then typically be back to basecamp around 4pm after our afternoon session. Some of what this first day will include: Throttle, brake, & clutch control, balance techniques, climbing & descending steep hills, and avoiding obstacles.

Day Two

We’ll pick up where we left off right at 8am back at the Ranch. This second day will build on the skills learned and apply them to real world obstacles & challenges. Some of the techniques of the day will include: Front & rear wheel locking, counterbalance, proper body positions for different terrains, and riding through sand, gravel, and rock gardens.

Days 3 & 4

When all the hard work pays off and is put to the test! Our ranch is surrounded by a plethora of small dirt roads, twisty paved ones, and some pretty spectacular trails. Depending on the class, we'll either do two single day rides from the ranch each day, or an overnight ride to one of our many epic camps & lodge options. Details for where each class will go can be given at time of sign up.